Basically, shoes are objects of love.
Of obsession
And of Fashion Statement (Sumhow you wonder how does one survive in THAT pair and they also wonder how do you survive in THOSE shoes)
Question : Would you put on these?
This perhaps from the era of their famous song 'The Reflex'
I would guess this from his first Arcadia album days
The below simply drives me crazy.
tapi 'gadget' atas ni menarik kan...
for further information, surf
tapi kena belajar bahasa German dulu :-)
for this blog i m not writing to join the bandwagons of mushrooming political writers or 'eccentric' writers( that i seem to frequent- tataw pasal. they are so 'prodable'; ada ke prodable dlm english). It is just gonna be where i lower my ego and say wutever yang selagi x terbalik dunia ni i takan mengaku punyalah.
qui s mua (pengsanla nxt yr nk coti kt france, tahun ni dah stat belajar sket2)
tahlah... fahamilah sebalik katun yg dihighlight diatas...
cest la vie (ni tataw french ka latin ka bahasa fascist. Hantammmm)